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How can I find different orders filed in a case?
How can I find different orders filed in a case?

Use the search technique described here to retrieve different judicial orders filed in the same case.

Deborah Rummelhart avatar
Written by Deborah Rummelhart
Updated over 3 years ago

The instructions provided below can help you find judicial orders from the same case. Please note that Casetext does not provide access to dockets at this time. However, if Casetext's database contains multiple judicial orders for the same case, you can retrieve those orders by following these steps:

  1. Use the title: function to run a keyword search using the name of the case.

    -Enter title: and the full name of your case into the search bar on the homepage, as shown below:

    -After you type in "title:" and the case name, click on the search option that appears in the menu beneath the search bar, which is indicated with a magnifying glass:

    You will then see all the orders in Casetext's database for that case title.

    Like any other keyword search, you can rank these results from the newest to oldest order, or by oldest to newest order, or by cite count. Ranking your results by cite count will put the most heavily cited order at the top of your list. Additional information about how to sort your search results is found here.

  2. If your title: search generates many results because your case title contains common words or names, you can apply filters to narrow your results.

    We recommend using the jurisdictional filter to limit your results to orders filed in a specific court. In the example shown below, we applied the jurisdiction filter to limit our results to cases from one jurisdiction (the Northern District of California because) Smith v. U.S. is a common case title. Additional information about using our jurisdiction filter is found here.

    If there are multiple cases with the same name in the same court, you can also use the "cause of action" filter to narrow your results to a case involving a specific type of cause of action or claim.

In the example below, there are 9 cases in N.D. Cal. that have the title of Smith v. U.S., but if I want to find the case involving a tort claim, I can select "tort" from the cause of action filter, which available under "view all filters":

After I select "tort" from the cause of action filter, I will see the case of Smith v. U.S. involving tort claims and will not see the other cases with the same name that involve different claims. Additional information on our cause of action filter is available here.

3. How do I find out more about a case's history?

Currently, Casetext does not have a tab that summarizes a case's direct history. However, performing the title: search recommended above can help you find other orders that have been entered in the same case.

In addition, the "citing cases" and "summaries written by judges" tools on a case page show you how your case has been cited and summarized by other courts. You can learn more about our "citing cases" and "summaries written by judges" tools here. Our SmartCite citator will also flag whether your case has received any subsequent negative treatment. You can learn more about using our SmartCite citator here.

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