With Casetext's brief analyzer tool, called "CARA A.I.", you can:
Find cases relevant to the facts and legal issues in your document (more information here)
Cite-check your document (more information here)
Download the authorities cited in your document
To download the cases and other authorities cited in your document, follow these steps:
On the Casetext homepage, click the "Cite-check a brief" option that appears on the left side of your screen:
2. Clicking that button will take you to a new page, showing a dialog box, where you can drag and drop the icon of your document. In lieu of dragging and dropping your document, you can click on the link that says "choose a document to upload" to upload your document from a folder or drive on your computer. This tool works with PDF files, Word documents, and text (txt) files.
3. Our system will then generate your "Brief Binder," which will list the cases cited in your document and will use flags to indicate whether any of the cases cited in your document have received negative treatment:
To learn more about cite-checking your brief, including what the red, yellow, and orange flags mean, please see the article available here.
4. To download the authorities cited in your brief, click on the blue "download cited authorities" button. Checkboxes will appear next to every authority cited in your document. To download all the authorities cited in your document, leave all the boxes checked. To download only certain authorities, de-select the checkboxes next to the authorities that you do not want to download:
**Please keep in mind when downloading that currently, you can download up to 30 cited cases per SmartCite report.