The CoCounsel Core Workspace allows users to organize and manage their work. To show or hide the Workspace, select the arrow.
To sort your chats, use the dropdown.
To start new chats or matters, use the "+ New" menu.
To rename, move, or delete chats, use these options.
At the top of the chat, hover the title, select menu ⋮, and use the popup options.
Click image to enlarge
In the left workspace, hover the chat, select menu ⋮, and use the popup options.
Click image to enlarge
Manage the workspace
To manage additional parts of the workspace, select File management, Database management, Favorites, and Archived matters.
File management
Use File management to manage files that have been uploaded to the chat.
At the top left, search and filter files
At the top right, use the Actions menu to move selected files to a matter or delete selected files
At the bottom right, use the navigation options to see more files
Database management
Use database management to manage databases.
At the top left, search and filter databases
At the top right, select Create a new database
Use a database's ⋮ menu to rename or delete the database
Select a database to open it and manage its files and sharing permissions
Use favorites to create and maintain favorite questions and policies.
At the top left, search and filter favorites
At the top right, select "+ Add favorites"
Use a favorite's ⋮ menu to edit or delete the favorite
Use a favorite's dropdown arrow to show/hide its questions or policies
At the bottom right, use the navigation options to see more favorites
Archived matters
Use Archived matters to manage archived matters.
Use the dropdown to sort your matters.
Select a matter to open the matter. Select the ⚙ menu to unarchive or delete the matter.
Learn what's new in CoCounsel
To review new CoCounsel Core features, select "What's new in CoCounsel."