CoCounsel can search an entire database, or it can work with individual files and smaller batches of files in the chat.
For example, you may want to summarize certain files, or review them to answer certain questions. You can add files to the chat from various locations:
Files from your database
Recent files
Upload from your computer
Files from your database
To add files from your database to the chat, follow these instructions.
1. Getting started
At the bottom of the chat, select "β Upload" and then select "Files from your database." A list of your databases will appear.
2. Select the database
Select the database containing the files.
3. Add files
Use the search box and filters to find and select specific files, or check the box to select all files. Then go to the bottom right and select "Add files." The files will appear in the chat.
Then continue working with CoCounsel in the chat.
Recent files
To add files from your list of recent files uploaded to the chat from your computer, follow these instructions.
1. Getting started
At the bottom of the chat, select "β Upload" and then select "Recent files." A list of files will appear.
2. Add files
Use the search box and filters to find and select specific files, or check the box to select all files. Then go to the bottom right and select "Add files." The files will appear in the chat.
Then continue working with CoCounsel in the chat.
Upload from your computer
To add files from your computer, follow these instructions. Can I use CoCounsel Core on a mobile device?
1. Getting started
At the bottom of the chat, select "β Upload" and then select "Upload from your computer." The upload frame will appear.
2. Add files
To select files from a folder on your computer, select the shaded region. A folder will open. Select the files and then select "Open," or the equivalent button for your computer. Then select "Add files."
To drag and drop files into CoCounsel, select files from your computer then drag and drop them into the shaded region. Then select "Add files."
Then continue working with CoCounsel in the chat.
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