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Which CoCounsel skill should I use?
Which CoCounsel skill should I use?

Learn how each CoCounsel Skill works with helpful tips

Brian Geran avatar
Written by Brian Geran
Updated over 9 months ago


CoCounsel can complete many different kinds of substantive legal tasks. Use the table below for an overview of CoCounsel's skills, or learn more with these links.


How it works

Helpful tips

AI-Assisted Research (requires a Westlaw Precision subscription)

Uses A.I. to identify and review relevant legal authorities, then summarizes its findings in a memo, which includes hyperlinks to the top authorities as well as the most relevant quotes. CoCounsel will search through primary law authorities on Westlaw Precision – cases, as well as statutes, regulations, and rules - and then draft an answer based on its analysis.

You can use this skill to research legal issues in the same way a human would, but with much greater efficiency.

  • Describe your legal research issue using full sentences and natural language, as if you are speaking to a colleague. Do not use Boolean terms and connectors.

  • You should specify the preferred jurisdiction in their search query.

  • The memo generated by CoCounsel can be downloaded to Word by clicking on the “download” button at the bottom of the screen.

Search a Database

Can quickly search through large to massive volumes of documents (compiled litigation records, deposition transcripts, etc.) in your firm’s database to find answers to your questions.

CoCounsel will then prepare a memo that summarizes the answer to your question and identifies the documents that answer your question. The memo will include excerpts from each document that CoCounsel identifies as relevant, with hyperlinks to each document.

  • “Search a database” is a good skill to use if you have a large number of documents and want to know if there are any documents that are relevant to a particular topic.

  • “Search a database” is often used in conjunction with Review Documents, identifying relevant documents that you may be interested in running an array of questions against as CoCounsel performs a line-by-line review of your uploads.


Leverages machine learning technology to streamline dense legal language into a succinct summary. You can upload complex or voluminous documents and receive a summarized version.

  • Upload documents, or retrieve documents from a database.

  • CoCounsel can summarize a wide variety of document types, including law review articles and complex regulations.

Review Documents

Looks for specific information within a set of documents. This skill performs a thorough, line-by-line review of each document to find the answers to your questions

CoCounsel will generate a memo that answers each of your questions and identifies the specific page(s) of your document(s) that contain information that is responsive to your questions.

  • Upload documents, or retrieve documents from a database.

  • Then tell CoCounsel the information you want to find or the questions you want to have answered.

  • CoCounsel will prepare a table with an answer for every document for every question.

Extract Contract Data

You can use this skill to ask questions about a set of contracts. The A.I. will identify and extract relevant clauses from the contracts that answer your questions. It will then prepare a memo that provides a response to each of your questions about each uploaded contract. The A.I. will show you where it found the answer to each of your questions by identifying and hyperlinking to the specific language in each contract that is responsive to your questions.

  • Upload contracts, or retrieve contracts from a database.

  • Then tell CoCounsel the information you want to extract or the questions you want to have answered.

  • CoCounsel will prepare a table with an answer for every contract for every question.

Contract Policy Compliance

Use this skill to ensure that the proposed language in a contract complies with company policies. Once you upload the contracts, CoCounsel will then summarize its findings in a memo format, which will identify the contract clause(s) that are relevant to the stated policy and will explain whether there are any differences between the policy and the contract clauses. It will also explain any risks presented by terms in the contract and propose edits to the contract to comply with the policy.

  • Upload contracts, or retrieve contracts from a database.

  • Identify the policies you want to ensure are represented in the current terms of the contract.

  • CoCounsel will provide an analysis that identifies relevant clauses, explains any differences between the existing clause and your policy, and suggests redlines to bring the existing clause into compliance with your policy.

  • You can download the memo in Word format by clicking the “Download” button at the bottom of the output screen.

Deposition Questions

You can use this skill to get an initial outline of topics and questions that you can ask a witness in a deposition. Just enter a sentence or two describing an upcoming deposition, and CoCounsel will recommend topics and questions that you can include in your deposition outline.

  • You should describe your upcoming deposition to CoCounsel using natural language, as if you were explaining it to a colleague.

  • For best results, you should specify the type of deposition (expert or fact), briefly describe the type of case and claims at issue, and note whether the witness is adverse or has any relationship to a party in the case.

Draft Correspondence

Use this skill to draft correspondence, like letters, emails, inter-office memos, and other kinds of correspondence. Just describe the correspondence, and include all of the relevant facts or underlying content, including any caselaw, statutes, and regulations and CoCounsel will draft the correspondence.

  • Indicate a tone, like formal, neutral, casual, or aggressive.

  • Include all of the information you want CoCounsel to use when it is drafting, including any legal content.


Use this skill to create a timeline of the events mentioned in files. CoCounsel reads files word-for-word to identify date, time (if available), and event description information from a file or files.

  • Upload files, or retrieve files from a database.

  • Ask for a timeline and CoCounsel will do the rest.

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