How do I use CoCounsel’s new chat?

Learn how to use the new CoCounsel chat.

Ryan Groff avatar
Written by Ryan Groff
Updated over a week ago

CoCounsel’s new chat prioritizes your legal work with a flexible user interface that is faster and more responsive. Just describe what you need with a request or a document, or use one of CoCounsel’s live recommendations.

This article explains what is new, the value from improved technology and development, and key differences you will notice with CoCounsel's new chat.

A. What is new

CoCounsel's new chat has important improvements.

Use CoCounsel just like other generative AI, by chatting.

CoCounsel assumes that you will request what you need. But if you need help getting started, select an example.

You don’t have to force your work into a CoCounsel skill for the best results.

There is no right way to start your work, which means you can start from anywhere: by describing what you need, by adding a file from your device, by selecting a database, or by using CoCounsel’s live recommendations.

So instead of only being able to “select a skill”...

Describe what you need, add a file from your device, select a database, or even just paste a text passage.

Or use live recommendations from CoCounsel about its abilities.

Cancel tasks that are no longer needed.

If you need to start over, no problem. Just “Cancel.” And you can still ask CoCounsel to email you when its work is complete. Select "Notify me."

B. Value from improved technology and development

After carefully reviewing months of detailed and helpful feedback from CoCounsel users, our team of engineers and legal experts used the newest technology to improve CoCounsel. Specifically, we improved CoCounsel’s ability to:

  • Focus on the right information at the right time.

  • Identify which of its functions to use, and begin working much more quickly.

  • Use fewer tokens to process your requests. Learn more about tokens

These improvements are part of a new technological foundation that allows CoCounsel to work much more efficiently, and that also allows Casetext to improve and scale CoCounsel’s abilities.

C. Differences

As you begin using CoCounsel’s new chat, please note that there are a few differences.

CoCounsel On Demand and pay as you go plans are no longer available

CoCounsel’s new chat is a highly-integrated suite of AI functions. For this reason, the following CoCounsel plans are no longer available:

  • CoCounsel On Demand plans

  • CoCounsel pay as you go option within Basic Research plans

Existing CoCounsel users may toggle their view, for now

Existing CoCounsel users will be able to toggle back to the prior chat. This includes paid and trial users whose accounts were activated before September 15, 2023, the date when this version was launched.

This option exists to provide stability during a time of transition. It will eventually disappear with only the new chat remaining, but not without advanced notice.

Switch from “matters” to “chats”

Instead of using “matters,” organize your work with “chats.” Matters and chats function similarly, but there are key improvements. CoCounsel will automatically name new chats as you work. Just like matters, you can edit the name of the chat and delete the chat. However, there is no drop-down menu and no archive.

Matter histories are available by toggling back to the prior version of CoCounsel. This option exists to provide stability during a time of transition. It will eventually disappear, but not without advanced notice.

"Add files" from your device, previous work, or a database

Now manage files by selecting “Add files,” just above the chat box.

CoCounsel still has skills, just not a skills menu

There is no skills menu, but CoCounsel can still perform substantive legal tasks. But new chats are not a blank page. CoCounsel provides examples.

As you chat, CoCounsel will apply its existing capabilities to what you’re working on and suggest specific work it can do. Open the sidebar, select an example, and select specific work.

But, as always, you can also always just ask CoCounsel to explain what it can do.

Need assistance? We are here to help. Please contact support

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