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Why can't I upload my document to CARA?

CARA upload errors

Elaine Cheek avatar
Written by Elaine Cheek
Updated over a week ago

If you are experiencing trouble uploading your document to CARA A.I. please take a moment to review what CARA supports and what some other tips are to make the upload process successful.

What file formats does CARA support?

CARA supports .pdf (unsecure) / .doc / .txt formats
If your PDF is a secured document, CARA cannot read it since it is secured.

Trouble shooting tips:

-Sometimes a PDF will actually be a scanned document (an image) and therefore have no text for CARA to read. If you are unable to copy + paste text from the document you know that it's a scanned version and you will need to find a readable text version to upload instead.

-Sometimes the file itself can be corrupted. A quick way to test this is to convert your document into a different supported file format and then re-upload to CARA.

-Sometimes the filename of the document can cause issues. Renaming it to something simpler without any characters can be helpful.

-Sometimes the file can be so large that CARA will take awhile to process it. In this case, a trick is to break up the file into smaller sections (ex: 40 pages at a time) and upload to CARA for quicker processing times.

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