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How do I share or copy a case URL (link)?

case link, case URL, page link

Elaine Cheek avatar
Written by Elaine Cheek
Updated over a week ago

With Casetext, you can easily copy the URL (link) of a case to share with others, or paste into another document. Additionally you can also use the link to create a URL that links directly to a page within the case.

Getting a Case URL (link):

On the case page, you'll start by clicking the "three dots" button in the upper left as shown in the image below. Then click "Share link to this document".

The option to copy the direct URL to the case will show up, and you can then click the "Copy" button. This means the text is now being stored on your computer's clipboard, and is ready to be pasted. For more information on how to copy + paste, you can go here.

When you paste the URL (link) of the document it will look like this ex:

Linking to a specific page within the case:

If you would like to generate a URL (link) that goes directly to a specific page within the case, you can do this by simply adding #p(number) at the end of the case page URL you copied!

So, for example, to jump to p. 11 of Terry v. Ohio, you can enter the following URL:

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