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Does SmartCite Identify California Cases That Have Been Depublished?
Does SmartCite Identify California Cases That Have Been Depublished?
Valerie McConnell avatar
Written by Valerie McConnell
Updated over 3 years ago

Yes! SmartCite does alert you to cases that have been depublished by the California Supreme Court and can no longer be cited. In fact, SmartCite also alerts you to cases that have been overruled, reversed, vacated, remanded, or superseded in whole or in part, as well as cases that have been distinguished or treated as contrary authorities by other courts. SmartCite's coverage is explained in greater detail in a series of articles available here.

Please note we are currently working to link many more California minute orders so that users will not only see the case has been depublished, but will also be able to view the document that ordered the depublication.

If you have any questions about this process, or need any assistance, please contact Casetext's support team at

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