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SmartCite Report: Cite-Check and Analyze a Brief

How to cite check and analyze a brief with SmartCite - the smart way

Elaine Cheek avatar
Written by Elaine Cheek
Updated over 3 years ago

SmartCite Report lets you upload a brief and automatically generate a concise, organized citator report.  Any cases cited in the brief where we assigned a red, orange, or yellow flag will be included in the report, along with information and a link to the subsequently treating decision(s).  More information on what our SmartCite flags mean can be found here.

To create a SmartCite report, click the “Cite-check a brief” option on the left hand menu on the Casetext home page. (Please make sure that you are logged into your Casetext account in order to access this premium feature).

Once you click the "Cite-check a brief" option, you can upload your brief to SmartCite and get a detailed report of how all the cases in that brief have been treated.

If you click on the title of a case, you will be taken to the full text of the opinion, as well as detailed information about the case's treatment, as shown below:

You also have the option of downloading all authorities cited in your brief by clicking on the blue "Show Download Options" button on the left side. That will cause a blue bar to appear along the top of the web page, enabling you to download all authorities as PDFs with a single click:

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