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Can I find a case by its citation?
Valerie McConnell avatar
Written by Valerie McConnell
Updated over 3 years ago

Yes, if you have the citation for the case you are looking for, enter that into the keyword search bar. The case should appear as the first suggestion in the drop-down menu below the search bar.

To Go Directly to the Case Page

If the case in the drop-down is highlighted, you can go to the case by clicking on it.

To Get Search Results for the Citation

If you want to run a search for that citation, but do not want to go directly to the case page itself, click on the case mention next to the "magnifying glass" icon.

Having Trouble?

Double check the citation format. For example, if searching for case with an F.3d citation, using either f.3d (with a period) or f3d (no period) should work, but f.3rd (with an "r") probably won't. 

If you are looking up a case via its Lexis or Westlaw citation, please note we do not support those citations, but you can look up cases by their title or docket number. 

If you still need assistance, please contact us by chat or email

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